Physical changes during adolescence  by  Prisca Mwikya


What do you notice?

Stages of growth

Adolescence is the period of life when a child develops into an adult. This is stage occurs during the ages of 14 - 21 years.


The physical changes that occur in boys during adolescence

What is the difference between the two boys?


During adolescence the following changes occur in boys:

  1. Hair grows under the armpit, chest and face
  2. Hair grows under the pubic area
  3. The voice becomes deep
  4. The chest widens
  5. The boy might experience wet dreams

Physical changes that occur in girls during adolescence

What is the difference between the two girls


During adolescence the following changes occur in girls;

  1. The breasts enlarge
  2. The hips broaden
  3. Hair grows under the armpits and groin
  4. The uterus develops and the ovaries mature
Due to the rapid changes adolescents are also faced with emotional changes. Example being;
  • Moody
  • Anxious
  • Aggressive
  • Angry
  • Shy


List the physical changes that are common to both boys and girls