Project Based Learning

When we use technology in teaching and learning the opportunities and methods of lesson delivery unlimited.

Project based learning is one such method of lesson delivery that will change the future of your learners.

What is project based Learning?

Project-based learning’ is a learning method involving students in designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project that produces a publicly-exhibited solution in form of as a product, publication, or presentation.

We have chosen to focus on project-based learning because it incorporates enquiry, and because, in our experience, public exhibition is a tremendously powerful motivator for both students and teachers.

 The teacher(s) develops a real world question to solve a real world problem. The question is the key question or the driving question. Through out the project the teacher will only ask more question to help learners open the curriculum content but the teacher will not provide answers direct. The teacher will provide the resources necessary to get the answers.

Here are examples of some driving questions;

•As doctors how do we promote blood donations in county?
•As the County Governor how do we make our large rivers safe?
•Mobile Phones Banned in our school.As the HeadTeacher how do I handle this.
•How do we create a picture book about plants and animals in our school?
•How can we as medical students take a medical history and advice a community affected by parasitic diseases?
•How Greek are we? (Social Studies)
•How can we design a future ……… School?(math)
•How come we have so many valleys mountains and hills in our county?
Please note some driving question may involve topics in other subjects and therefore it would be prudent to colloborate with the teachers concerned. this will have the advanage of faster effective coverage of the curriculum across all subjects.