
How our ancestors served the clan

Our ancestors taught members of the community values such as love, honesty, discipline, hard work, justice and kindness. This was through teachings passed on from generation to generation.

  • They maintained peace in the community in the face of disagreements, quarrels or war.
  • Our ancestors also ensured that the history of the community was passed on to the young people.
  • They ensured that land, animals and other things were taken care of and handed down to the young people.
  • They also encouraged the young to marry in order to elevate the name of their families and the clan.
  • They ensured that there was adequate food for the families.
  • Our ancestors helped keep the morals of the society alive.

How our ancestors shared their possessions

(Matthew 25:33-40)

In the traditional African society, there used to be communal work. People worked together on each other’s farms and took care of the animals.

  • They lived together; they had close-knit family relationships.
  • Whenever it was time to harvest, work was shared among the community members.
  • The elders would ensure that food was shared well amongst the members since everybody had helped in the harvest.
  • Duties and responsibilities were also shared among the community members.