Addition & Subtraction


Addition and subtraction of fractions requires that the denominator be alike.

Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator is simple.


To add these fractions you just add the numerator and keep the same denominator.

Addition and subtraction of fractions with the different denominators

However, when the fractions have different denominators, then the least common multiple LCM is required to create equivalent fractions.


Follow the steps given below

1. Find the multiples of the denominator for example:

 3 has the following multiples (1x3=3),(2x3=6),(3x3=6)


 2 has the following multiples (1x2=2),(2x2=4),(3x2=6)

2. Find the LCM

In this case the LCM is 6

3. Use the LCM as the Least common denominator and multiply the numerator with same factor

4. Add the resulting numerators as shown below.




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