Hearing impaired

  • This is a person who has difficulty hearing.
  •  A person with hearing problems before he/she learns to talk often does not develop speech patterns.
  • This results in one being labelled deaf and mute.
  • To communicate with someone who is hearing impaired, one needs to use a special language called sign language.
  • Most hearing impaired people have very keen eyesight. They therefore, go through special training to learn lip-reading.
  • Some people may not be completely unable to hear, therefore they can use special equipment called a hearing aid to help them hear better.



  • In Mark 7:31-35, 37, a man was brought to Jesus who was deaf and dumb. Jesus put His fingers into the man’s ears, He then spat and touched the man’s tongue.
  • He commanded the man to open up and the man was healed and started talking. When people heard about it they were amazed.
  • We learn from this story that:


  1.  We should follow the example of Jesus and love the hearing impaired.
  2.  We should support them and be concerned for them by, for example, buying them hearing aids.
  3.  We should also pray for them to receive healing.

  • The Christians in Kenya and the Kenyan Government help the hearing impaired by:

a) Building other special schools for them in addition to the existing ones that include Kaaga School for the Deaf in Meru, Maseno School for the Deaf and Kibarangi School for the Deaf in Kilifi.

b) Buying hearing aids for them.

c) Helping them communicate through training them in sign language.

d) Using interpreters in meetings who will help sign the proceedings of the meeting.