Assessment questions

1. In a scale diagram 1cm represents 100 m. 

a) Write the scale in ratio form.

b) Calculate the grawing length for 2.5 km.

c) Find the actual distance for a length of 5.5 cm on the disgram.


2. A length of 3.5 cm on a map represents a distance of 1.75 km on the ground. 

a) Find the scale of the map n ratio form.

b) Calculate the length on the map on a road which is 12.5 km. 


3. A scale of 1:1 000 is used to draw a plan of a rectangular field. The sides of the field measure 750 m and 1 km. Find the length of the diagonal on the plan.


4. The figure below shows a scale drawing of a bill board. A scale of 1:150 is used in the drawing. Calculate the area of the bill board.


5. A distance of 1.5 km on the ground is represented by a length of 5 cm on a map. Find the scale of the map. 


6. A rectangular house measures 31.4 m by 17 m. On a plan of the house, the length of the rectangle is 78.5 cm. 

a) Find the scale used.

b) Calculate the width of the house on the plan.


7.  A rectangular plot of land measuring 480 m by 250 m is represented by a scale drawing. If the scale 1:5 000 is used, calculate the perimeter of the drawing.

8. In a drawing, a length of 1.5 cm represents a distance of 37.5 m. Work out the scale in the form 1 = n.

9. The figure below shows a plot of land drawn to scale 1:10 000.

Find the drawing's area.


10. In a map of 10 cm represents 1 000 000 m, what is the real length of 10 cm in kilometres?


Questions 11 - 19