Assessment questions

The colon :

Rewrite the following sentenses using the colon appropriately.

1. Yesterday i was reminded to do these jobs iron clothes go to the market and buy new shoes for my sister.

2. The class teacher asked me to tell the monitor to give assignment collect all the books and take them to the staffroom for marking.

3. Have you ever come across these animals an elephant a shark a whale or a penguin?

4. Among the things you need in life are self esteem patience perseverance and confidence in yourself.

5. The thief jumped over the fence and broke into the house stole all the money damaged valuables and made away with my lap top.

The brackets ( )

Punctuate the following sentenses using brackets where possibles

1. Mr. Omollo our class teacher has been of great help to us.

2. Paul and Pat my cousins have joined the university this year for further studies.

3. Mercy the first born among five children is a gifted poet and does presentations to entertain guests during important occasions.

4. Dr. Bakari the current chairman is stressing on using our time economically and wisely.

5. Coming together a one trading block planning to collect funds to enable him complete his degree course.

Speech marks

Insert speech marks and punctuate the sentences below

1. Where are the key to the cupboard Tamu said Lorain. 

2. He replied it will take a bit of time before we experience major changes we need to have patience and restraint.

3. How many delegates will attend the meeting next week asked the interviewer

4. Stop talking over there said the chief we cannot hear the eulogyof this great man properly.

5. I wrote this book myself said Penny and it is intendend to influence the youth to change their behaviour. 

The hyphen _

Insert a hyphen where appropriate in the following sentenses

1. Some months of the year have thirty one days while others have thirty.

2. My father in law is a very considerate man and is soft spoken.

3. All the coordinators are expected to be at the venue of the meeting on time.

4. The quick witted fox jumped over the barbed wire into the next garden.

5. I sheltered myself under a roof leaking verandah.

The dash -

Insert a dash in the following sentences

1. We found Wanjiru the nurse giving fast aid to the accidents victims.

2. Kipng'etich the farmer grows plenty of maize in his farm.

3. Mr. Korio the workman a popular man in Tamu village is friendly to everybody.

4. Water a basic commodity was hard to come by.

5. Matata the one eyed giant could carry children in his pocket.

The semi colons (;)

Punctuate the following sentences using a semi colon

1.  The journey began at midnight by morning we had arrived at Mtito Andei.

2. Chaki had several brother among them being Raba Rula Penseli and Set.

3. A sprain on your foot is painful a toothache is even worse.

4. If you come home in the evening make sure you feed the chickens water the cabbages sweep the coumpound and lock the gate.

5. Controlling a ship is tedious instructing people is even more demanding. 

Choose the sentence that is well punctuated


A. The childrens' books are often read by old ladies.

B. The children's books are often read by old lady's.

C. The children's' books are often read by old ladies.

D. The children's book sre often read by old ladies.


A. What a fantastic experience had we.

B. You all know why you came to school, don't you?

C. Our day was marked by strange incidences such as missing the bus following the wrong path and losing our mobile phones.

D. It is important to remember to close the door before you sit down?


A. "Good morning class." said the  teacher.

B. "Good morning class," said the teacher.

C. "Good morning class?" said the teacher.

D.  "Good morning class!" said the teacher.


A. I used Tom Mboya street to school.

B.  I used Tom mboya street to school.

C.  I used Tom Mboya Street to school.

D.  I used tom Mboya street to school.


A. "Where on earth is my house!" cried the victim.

B. Where on earth is my house? cried the victim.

C. "Where on earth is my house? cried the victim."

D. "Where on earth is my house? cried the victim.