VIRTUES WRITING  by  Domiana Katiwa


What is fainting?

What causes fainting?

Fainting is a sudden loss of conciouness for a short time which is caused by lack of oxgyen in the brain. -Some of the causes fainting are:

  • Exhaustion
  • Emotional stress
  • Pain
  • Hunger
  • Standing for a long time
  • overheating

What first aid is given to somebody who has fainted?

  • Lay the person on his or her back.
  • Raise the legs above his or her back.
  • Loosen the belts, collors or any other tight clothes.
  • Check the person's breathing and watch vomiting.
  • When he regains conciousness, give him or her a fruit juice drink.If he does not, take him or her to the hospital.


Write a composition on the causes of fainting, say what first aid is given to someone who has fainted and also say what you should not do to him or her.