Parts of a seed  by  Joyce Muigai


There are two types of seeds namely;

1:Monocot seed

2:Dicot seed


Parts of a monocot seed.

An example of a monocot seeed is a maize seed.


Parts of a dicot seed

An example of a dicot seed is a bean seed.


Testa: This is the outer cover of the seed.It protects the inner parts of the seed.

Scar: It is the place where the seed was attached to the fruit.

Hilum: This is the area where seeds attach to the ovary wall.

Micropyle: This is a small hole through which air and water enters the seed.

Radicle: It grows into a root.

Plumule: It grows into a shoot.

Cotyledon: This is where food is stored in a dicot seed.

Endosperm: This is where food is stored in a monocot seed.



1.Draw and label parts of a mocot and a dicot seed.(5 marks)

