Divisibility test for 8  by  Margaret Ochieng



What is divisibility?

Divisibility means that after dividing any number there will be no remainder.


Divisibility test for 8

How can you tell that a number is divisible by 8?

A number is divisible by 8 when the number formed by its last three digits  divisible by 8. 


Example 1

  • is 5416 divisible by 8?


There is no remainder hence5416 is divisible by 8

There was no remainder, that means that 416 is divisible by 8, hence,5416  is divisible by 8.


Example 2

  • Is 15900 divisible by 8?

  • 900/8=112 rem 4

  • There was a remainder therefore 15900 is not divisible by 8



 1.Which of the following numbers are divisible by 8?

  •  4512

  • 7848

  • 71606

  • 9960

Wich of the following numbers is not divisible by 8?

  • 36554

  • 45984

  • 36256

  • 69716


  • 1.a,b and d

  • 2.a and d