Place value  by  Alice Akinyi


What is a whole number?

A whole number is a number used for counting.Therefore counting numbers are called whole numbers. The counting numbers are made up of ten digits as below;


Each digit has a place value and a total value depending on its position or place in a give number.


•10 bundles of 10 sticks each make 1hundred bundle of sticks and so on.
•Therefore, 4 bundles of sticks is 4 x 10 = 40
•8 loose sticks is 8 x 1 = 8
•4 tens + 8ones
•40 + 8 = 48
For example; onyango has five goats, kamau has thirty goats while koech has one hundred goats.
It means onyango has 1 x 5 goats, kamau has 3 x1 0 goats and koech has 100 x 1 goats
This can written  as follows;
Koech= 100
Kamau= 30
Onyango= 5
100+30+5= 135
1 hundreds 3 tens  5 ones


What is  a place value?

Place value is therefore the position of a digit in a given number or the place of a digit in given number.
•For example; take any of the digit 71436 represent;
•7 ten thousands, 1 thousands, 4 hundreds, 3 tens and  6 ones


What is the value of a digit? 

•The value of a digit is based on its position in a given number as shown above. 
•It means that as you move to the next digit on the left each position is ten times greater than the digit in the right position.
•Likewise as you move to the next digit on the right each position becomes ten times smaller.
•It also means that the value of a digit increases as you move to the left and decreases as you move to right.    

71436 will be?

•7ten thousands,1thousands, 4hundreds 3tens and 6ones.
•10 ones form 1tens
•10tens form1hundreds
•10thousands form ten thousands   


What is a face value?


The above diagram shows that the abacus represents following number 444444444.
•The face value of a digit does not.

For example.

•The face value of digit 4 in the hundred millions position is 4 while its place value is 400,000,000.
•The face value of digit 4 in the ten millions position is 4 while its place value is 40,000,000.
•The face value digit 4 in the millions position is 4 while its place value is 4,000,000.
•The  face value of digit 4 in the hundred thousands position is 4 while its place value 400,000.
•The face value of digit 4 in the ten thousands position is 4, while its place value is 40,000.
•The face value of digit 4 in the thousands position is 4 while its place value is 4,000.
•The face value of digit 4 in the hundreds position is 4  its place value is 400.
•The face value of digit 4 in the tens position is 4 while its place value is 40.
•The face value of digit 4 in the ones position is 4while its place value is 4.




•Digit 2 in 259285461 is in hundred millions position

•Its written as 2 hundred million or as 200,000,000.
•Digit 0 in 30275849 is in millions position.
•Its written as 0 million because digit 0 has no value and will always remain 0 even though its accounting number.
•For example; 2 x 100,000,000 = 200,000,0000
•0 x 1,000,000 = 0

1.Find the place value of digits in bold.

(a) 3,548,016
(b) 179,327,584
(C) 539,728,146
(d) 732,068
(e) 259,735,164
(a) ones

(b)Hundred thousands

(c)Hundred millions

( d)Thousands

( e) Millions