square root of fraction  by  Margaret Ochieng


Sign used for square root.

What are square numbers?

Square numbers are numbers found by multiplying the number by itself

Example : 1

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49,

64, 81, 100, 121 , 144 ,

 ----,  ---- ,  -----,------,


Example : 2 square root of fractions.

Consider square root of numerator and denominator

5.Work out the square root of the following.

  • 9/36
  • 16/64
  • 25/81
  • 121/196
  • 5 4/9
  • 11  1/9
  • 12  1/4


  1. 3/6
  2. 2/8
  3. 5/8
  4. 11/14
  5. 7/3  or 2 1/3
  6. 10/3 or 3  1/3
  7. 7/2 or 3 1/2