
  • Asia is the biggest continent on In Asia, the country with almost all Muslim population is Maldives. It has 99 percent of the Muslim population.

  • Asia extends from the Ural Mountains in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east: and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south.

  • Asia is the only continent that shares borders with other two continents; Africa, Europe.

  • The area covered by Asia is huge and it is actually greater than the landmass of moos.

  • In Asia the two countries have more than half of the population of Asia. These two countries are chine with 1.3 billion people and India with 1.1 billion people. It is said that India will take over china with respect to population within 30 years.

  • The continent Asia is so large and diverse that is divided into sub-regions.

  • Asia is home to many interesting animals including the giant panda, Asian elephant, tiger, Bactrian camel, komodo dragon, and the king cobra.

  • Asia is not only the biggest land mass but also the biggest continent by population. The total of 60 percent of the world’s population lives in Asia.

  • China and India are the two largest countries in the world by population. China is number one with over 1.3 billion people. India is number two with over 1.2 billion. The third largest country in the world, the United States, only has just over 300 million people.

  • The largest island in Asia is Borneo

  • Asia contains around 30% of the world's land area and 60% of the world's population

  • There is more Muslim population in south Asia than in the Middle East yet in the south Asian region, the total Muslim population in only 15 percent of the total population.

  • The three main economic centers of Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.

  • Asia is the largest continent.

  • Since Asia is a huge land mass it is further divided into 6 subcontinents, Indian subcontinents, and south Asia, east Asia, middle east, north Asia and southwest Asia.

  • China and India are the only nations in the world that number over a billion people.
  • The world’s highest peak is on mount Everest.

  • Did you know that Top 10 tallest mountains located in Asia
  • Nine out of ten of the world’s tallest buildings are in Asia.
  • North Korea, perhaps the most politically isolated country in the world, has cultivated a strange cult of personality around the dictatorial Kim family.
  • Although China is the world’s third largest country and stretches 5,026 kilometers longitudinally, it still has just one time zone.
  • India produces more mangoes than any country in the world – around 12 million tons each year.
  • Japan has the second oldest population in the world.
  • The tonsured head and pigtail hairstyle you see in Chinese action movies wasn’t a fashion choice but a state enforced decree.