Money and postal order

Money order and Postal order

A money order is used to send money through a post office.

The person to whom the money is sent presents an order at a specified post office so as to collect the money sent.

A postal order is a written order for a sum of money payable to a named person.

This order is bought at a post office.

The post office charges a commission based on the value of a money order or the postal order.

NB:This service is nolonger offered by Kenyan Post offices.



Using the tables for postal and money orders, calculate amount payable for sending

(a) A money order of value Sh 27 500

(b)A postal order of value Sh 235


(a) Amount = value of order + commission

= Sh 27500 + Sh 617 = Sh 28117

(b) Amount = value of order + commission

= Sh (200 + 20 + 15) + Sh (12 + 6 + 5)

= Sh 235 + Sh 23

= Sh 258


Note: Selection of value of orders of Sh 200, Sh 20 and Sh 5 ensures that the amount payable is smallest.

Institutional Money Order rates


 Individual money order rates

Interstate money order rates


Money order form


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