Fraction Comparison

Comparing Fractions

Two fractions are compared to find out which one is larger or smaller.

Two ways are used to compare fractions: using the same denominator method or decimals method.


Using the denominator method

To compare two fractions they must have the same denominator and if they do then its easy to compare the numerator only.

for example; 4/6  compared to 5/6,  4/6 is smaller than 5/6 because 4 is smaller than 5.

But if the denominators are not the same we make them the same by using equivalent fractions method or LCM (Least Common Multiple).

For example;Which is larger 5/6  or 6/7  ?

The trick is to find the LCM of 6 & 7 which is 42 and make the LCM the denominator.