Children in the streets

Children living in the street 

  • Most children in the streets left home due to poverty or loss of their parents and lack of anyone to take care of them. Others may have left home due to mistreatment from their parents/families.
  • The needs of these children are mostly clothes, food, shelter and love.
  • Sometimes these children steal money to buy themselves food. Some also buy drugs that are dangerous to their health.


What can Christians do for children living in the street? 

  1. We should take care of children living in the street since they are God’s creation.
  2. We need to provide them with clothing, food, shelter, medicine and education.
  3. We can take some children to our homes to care for them and educate them.
  4. We can also make donations through our churches or other organisations that are set up to help children living in the street.
  5. We need to encourage them to go to school since primary school education is free.