Visually Impaired

  • These are people whose eyesight is poor or who cannot see at all. Visual impairment can be the result of sickness or an accident.
  • Others are born visually impaired.
  • In (John 9:1-12), we are told the story of a man who was born blind.
  • The disciples wondered whether the man was born blind because of his own sins or those of his parents.
  • But Jesus told them that he was born blind so that God’s power could be seen through him.
  • We are told that Jesus spat on the ground, applied mud to the man’s eyes and told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam, which means ‘Sent’.
  • We learn that:
  1. Jesus takes care of the special needs of human beings.
  2. People born with special needs are still God’s creation.
  3. God uses our weaknesses for His glory.