Assessment questions

1. The sum of Atib's age and Oduor's age 10 years from now will be x. Find the sum of their ages now.


2. If I run at W km/h, I travel V km/h. In how many hours would I travel the same distance if I run at X km/h?


3. The length of the longest side of a trapezium is 30 cm and the shorter side is 6 cm. What would be the height of the trapezium if it has an area of 72 cm2?


4. The length of a rectangular sheet of metal is (12x + 8) cm and the width is (x - 24) cm. If the perimeter is 184 cm, calculate the value of the length.


5. I think of a number add 8 to it and subtract 2 from the result. The answer is the same as dividing the number by 2 and multiplying the result by 6. What umber am I thinking of?


6. Two consecutive even numbers are such that 7 times the smaller number added to twice the large number gives the result as 58. Find the difference.


7. Mr. Bosire buys 50 biros for x shillingsand x books for 20 shillings each. He does not want to spend more than Sh 700. Form an inequality using x and simplify.


8. Put =, > or < in \({ {1\over2x} ... {3\over4} } + 0.34\) when x = 2.18 to make it Mathematically correct. 


9. Simplify the inequality below

\({ {3n\over10} + {2n \over 5} } > 21\)


10. Simplify the following inequalities:

(a) \({2p - 3\over 3} < {3p + 6\over6}\)

(b) \({ {x\over4} + {7} } > x\)

(c) \({ {3x\over10} + {2x \over 5} } > 21\)

(d) \( 2x + 1 < x + 7\)

(e) \({4x - 5 \over 5} > 2 - 4x\)

(f) 4n < 64