Vocabularies  by  Jane James


What can you see in the picture below?

The image shows an entrance to a shopping mall. An entrance is simply the point of entry to any building for example in our case a shopping mall.



1. Where are entrances usually found?

  • Supermarkets
  • Banks
  • School institutions

2. Create different  sentences using the new vocabulary learnt.


When we arrived at the institution the   entrance was closed off.

Observe the picture below


In what situation do we need a luggage?
  • When we are about to travel.
  • When we are from  shopping  for some items


Construct different sentences using the word luggage.

I forgot my luggage on arrival at the airport.

Observe the picture below

What can you tell from the picture below?
  • This is a representation of a price tag.
  • It is used to tag the value of commodities at any shopping Centre


What is the use of a price tag.
Used to identify the value of a commodity while purchasing it.
Name the different places where price tags are normally found.
On the goods being purchased
Make sentence using the newly learnt vocabulary.
The price tag on the bread was too high compared to the others in different market places

Observe the picture below

After careful observation, what can you see in the picture?
It is a representation of a queue


Where can we find queues?
  • Supermarket
  • Banks
  • Airports
Create different sentences with the vocabulary queue.

We had to stay on the queue for three hours in order to enter the airport.

Observe the picture below

what item is shown in the picture below?
This is a carrier bag
It is used to carry commodities purchased from a shopping Centre.


What is the use of a carrier bag?
Carrying shopped goods.
Create different sentences using the newly learnt vocabulary.
Jacob remember to buy a carrier bag to help carry this grocery to your grandmother.

Observe the picture below

Identify and name the item in the picture below.
This is q shopping basket. It is used wile shopping in the supermarket



What is the use of a shopping basket?

 It is used  to help carry the goods picked in the   supermarket  and  also malls.

Construct sentences using the word shopping basket.

put a the bread and the mil kin the shopping basket   so that we can go and pay for it.

Observe the picture below

What can you make of the picture below?

This is a green grocery rack.


What goods can we find at the  green  grocer?
  • Tomatoes
  • Kales
  • spinach
Make different sentences with the vocabulary.
Go and pick tomatoes from  the green grocery.

Observe the picture below

Identify what is in the picture.

This are several tills located in a supermarket


What is the use of tills at any shopping Centre?
Used for paying for bought goods
Create sentences using the word till.
After you have picked the milk, go and  pay at the till.

Observe the picture below

Identify the different aspects of the picture below…
This picture shows a customer removing her credit card in order to purchase some coffee.


Who is a customer?
This vocabulary refers to someone who is purchasing any commodity from any shopping place.
Using the word “customer” create different sentences.
The sop will be expecting many customers during its grand opening.


Fill in the blank spaces with the new words

1.We had to wait on the  in order to pay for our green grocery.
2.On the way out of the shopping mall, we forgot to carry our     .
3.In order to enter a supermarket one has to use the    .
4.Items on the shopping shelf have a to identify its price.
5.Many came into the mall to buy different commodities.
6.Once you buy some green grocery you have to go and pay for it at the        .
7.While shopping in the supermarket one puts his things in a     


  • queue 
  • luggage 
  • entrance 
  • price tag 
  • customers
  • till 
  • shopping basket

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