Mansa Musa


Mansa Musa — Golden Emperor of Mali

Mansa Musa —

Golden Emperor of Mali

The great Mansa* of Mali

Said I will go to Mecca

And go to seek the Lord

He climbed onto his camels

With many tonnes of gold

He was the golden emperor

The wealthiest in the world

He crossed the mighty Sahara

And went to the city Cairo

Followed by many servants

All dressed in lavish clothes.

All dripped perfume and spice

All rode majestic lines.

Gold! Gold! all over Cairo

Price fell down for many years.

Musa then went to Mecca

To bow and watch and pray.

Musa came back to Timbuktu

Where most world wisdom lay

He opened the doors of knowledge

And shared them with the world

*Mansa: Emperor